A Cafe, and You with The Newspaper


A cafe, and you with the newspaper, sitting.
No, you are not alone. Your cup half full,
and the sun filling the other half …

Through the window, you see hurrying passersby,
but you are unseen.

( That’s one of theĀ attributes of invisibility: you see but are not seen.)

How free you are, forgotten man in the cafe !

No one to see how the violin affects you.
No one to stare at your presence or your absence,
or to gaze into your fog if you look
at a girl and are broken before her


How free you are, minding your business
in this crowd, with none to watch or read you!
Do what you will with yourself.
Take off your shirt or your shoes.

If you want, you are forgotten and free in your imagination.
There is no pressing work for your name or your face here.
You are as you are-no friend, no enemy here to study your memoirs.

Seek forgiveness for the one who left you in this cafe
because you did not notice her new hairstyle,
and the butterflies dancing on her temples.
Seek forgiveness for the man who sought
to murder you one day, for no reason,
or because you did not die the day
you bumped into a star and wrote
those early songs with its ink.

A cafe, and you with the newspaper, sitting
in the corner, forgotten. No one to insult
your peaceful state of mind and no one to think of murdering you.

How forgotten you are,
how free in your imagination!

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