40 Contoh Gambar Iklan Paling Kreatif, Lucu dan Unik

26. Nurture Line : Calmdog

Nurtureline Calmdog Creative Advertisement

27. Zoo Safari: Lion

Zoo Safari Creative Advertisement

28. Irvines Pocket Pies : Lioness

Irvines Pocket Pies Creative Advertisement

29. Acuario Inbursa : Ocean

Acuario Inbursa Creative Advertisement

30. Nanoblock : Gorilla

Nanoblock Creative Advertisement

32. Dukto drain opener: Let them run free

Dukto bear Creative Advertisement

Dukto elephant Creative Advertisement

31. Playland: Seeing Cars

Playland Creative Advertisement

32. Suzuki : For those who can’t fly

Suzuki Ostrich Creative Advertisement

Suzuki Penguin Creative Advertisemnet

33.  Tame Ecuador Airlines: Fly Tulcán

Tame Ecuador Airlines Creative Advertisement

– Lampukecil.com-

4 thoughts on “40 Contoh Gambar Iklan Paling Kreatif, Lucu dan Unik

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